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Contemporary Guitar Instruction |
The Gospel According To Nortune |
"Contemporary Guitar: The Gospel According to Nortune" is a series of
guitar instruction manuals for learning and developing the skills necessary to
play contemporary guitar.
"The Basics" includes instruction of such things as fingering technique, fretting, tuning, notes and names, essential chords including open chords, introduction to moveable patterns, and basic bar chords. Check it out online. Free to use. "Introduction to Lead and Improvisation" contains a full range of fretboard patterns and tablatures for improvising and playing lead guitar. The patterns include the major and minor pentatonic scales as well as a full range of diatonic patterns including modes. Also included are several picking technique exercises as well as practice riffs for essential tricks such as hammers, pulls and slides. Check it out online. Free to use. "Reading Standard Musical Notation" is an introduction for reading music both for notes and rhythmic duration. Although not a complete method book, it does provide an excellent first step for the potentially more serious guitarist as well as a framework for learning notation enough to supplement learning tabs that include standard musical notation. "Musical Structures" contains a more in depth look at the "tone center" system including the exploration of more complex intervals and scales as well as more advanced chords. "Contemporary Guitar: The Gospel According to Nortune"
book is currently
unavailable except by special request. The first two sections are available online: Private lessons in the Augusta/Evans area.